Category Archives: SANSAD Events

Public forum on climate change



Saturday, July 26 2.00 pm – 5.00 pm SUR 3280: SFU Surrey Campus

250-13450 102nd Avenue (Across from Surrey Central transit station)

 There is no doubt anymore that we are facing an unprecedented moment in the history of humanity because of climate change. The scientific evidence is also clear that this has been induced by our use of fossil fuels over the last 200 years.

The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) came out at the end of March with devastating conclusions about irreversible changes that will cause enormous distress. Later reports on the melting of Antarctic ice also indicate irreversible changes that will substantially raise sea levels.

In the face of overwhelming evidence governments have been taking at best half-measures or promoting further production and use of fossil fuels. That is because the rest of us, the people who alone can compel governments and corporations to change course, have been content with business as usual.

We need to understand the issues to make changes in our lives and make governments change their policies in the interest of our well being and for future generations. Please join us at this important public discourse on climate change impacts and our responsibility for sustainable environment.

Panelists: Dr. Harun Rashid (report on the science of climate change), Seth Klein (climate justice), Harsha Walia (climate refugees and refugee rights), Dr. Mohammad Zaman (adapting to climate change), Dr. Summer Pervez and Dr. Chinmoy Banerjee (everyday living for sustainable life).

RSVP for registration: Chin Banerjee,; Mohammad Zaman,

Organized by the South Asian Network for Secularism and Democracy (SANSAD) and Society for Bangladesh Climate Justice (SBCJ) with the support of the Institute for Diaspora Research and Engagement (IDRE), Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA), Dr. Hari Sharma Foundation (HSF), Greater Vancouver Bangladesh Cultural Association (GVBCA), Vancity, Prrogressive Intercultural Community Services(PICS), and Institute for the Humanities, SFU.